Research report:

Anitha, S., Gill, A.K. & Noack-Lundberg, K. (2023) Understanding Protection and Prevention Responses to Forced Marriage in England and Wales. Lincoln and Bristol: University of Lincoln & University of Bristol.

Policy briefings:

Summary briefings for all agencies

Briefings for criminal justice agencies

Briefings for children/adult social services and teachers

Briefings for specialist domestic violence services  

From This Project

Anitha, S. and Gill, A. K. (2021) Domestic violence during the lockdown: the needs of Black and minoritised communities during the pandemic. London: University of Lincoln and University of Roehampton.

From Previous Research

Anitha, S., Gill, A.K (2015) A Moral Panic? The problematisation of forced marriage in British newspaper reporting, Violence Against Women 21(9): 1123-1144.

Gill, A.K., and Anitha, S. (eds.) (2011) Forced Marriage: Introducing a social justice and human rights perspective, London: Zed Books.